Trade Partners Bid
CKTP Solids and Liquid Hauled Waste Upgrade Alternative EC/CM Selection Process Notice of Hearing
Pre-Bid Information
All interested parties are hereby notified that a public hearing in accordance with RCW 39.10.385 will be held at 10:00am PST, July 15, 2024, at the Seattle office of Hoffman Construction Company of Washington, 600 Stewart Street, Suite 1000.
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Or call in (audio only)
+1 971-337-2364,,390258034#
Phone Conference ID: 390 258 034#
Evaluation criteria and scoring for each criterion are available upon request. Written comments may be submitted to John Hamilton (206-498-7759) at and received no later than the time of the hearing.
Any protests related to the use of the alternative selection process must be submitted to Kitsap County, Attn: Chris Sheridan at within 4 calendar days of the final determination.
Bid Information