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Trade Partners Bid

PDX Next Ground Source Heat Pump System


PDX Next Ground Source Heat Pump System


The Port of Portland


Portland, OR

Bids Due

Tuesday 05/16/2023 2 pm

Bid Documents

Visit securecc.smartinsight.co

Hoffman Skanska LLC, Construction Manager/General Contractor (“CM/GC”) for PDX Next Ground Source Heat Pump System (“Project”) being performed for The Port of Portland (“Owner”) requests sub-bid proposals for Bid Package #1 – Civil, Horizontal Boring, Well Drilling, CUP Bldg Architectural, Equipment Buildings.

A non-mandatory, but strongly encouraged, Pre-bid Meeting has been scheduled for 1:00 p.m., April 27, 2023 (via Teams).  Attendees may join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.  If you have not used the Teams platform previously, it is recommended you allow plenty of time to download the software and log into the meeting.


Meeting ID: 376 391 274 265

Passcode: tmggdS


Or call in (audio only)
+1 213-458-8486,,124761069#   United States, Los Angeles
Phone Conference ID: 124 761 069#

Statements made at this meeting by representatives of the Contractor, Owner, Architect, Engineers, and/or others are not binding and do not change the RFP documents or bidding requirements unless such statements are confirmed by written Addendum to the RFP.

Proposers must utilize the specified PROPOSAL FORM and be submitted as a single file (less than 10MB) to BIDS@hoffmancorp.com, no later than 2:00 p.m., May 16, 2023.  Elaborate proposals or the inclusion of non-essential information e.g. marketing/promotional material, etc. is strongly discouraged.  Proposals that are materially incomplete, are directed to other locations or received after the bid deadline will not be considered.

Bidders must be properly licensed with the Oregon Construction Contractors Board (“CCB”) at the time of bid.  Bidders are required to file a $30,000 Public Works Bond with the CCB in accordance with ORS 279C.836 EXCEPT exemptions allowed under paragraphs (7) or (8) will not be permitted.  Due to the scheduled start of the work, the $30,000 Public Works Bond must be on file with the CCB at the time of bid.  This is a prevailing wage project.  Subcontractors  must comply with Federal Prevailing Wage Requirements (Davis-Bacon Act) and requirements of the prevailing wage law in ORS Chapter 279C.

Refer to proposal documents for complete proposal requirements and additional information.  Proposal documents may be examined at local plan centers, viewed and/or downloaded without charge at www.hoffmancorp.com/subcontractors.

Owner and Contractor are committed to maximizing disadvantaged business participation in the Project.  This Project has a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation goal of 8.5% of Project construction costs.  Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) are defined, for the purposes of this contract, a businesses that is certified by either the State of Oregon’s Certification Office for Business Inclusion and Diversity (COBID) or the Washington State Office of Minority & Women’s Business Enterprises (OMWBE). Prime-tier Subcontractors that are not DBE certified firms will have the same participation goal to utilize lower-tier DBE’s for 8.5% of their subcontract value. Contractor is an equal opportunity employer and request bids from all qualified firms.

Pre-Bid Information


Thu 04/27/2023 1 pm


Virtual on Teams


A non-mandatory, but strongly encouraged, pre-bid meeting has been scheduled for 1:00 p.m., April 27, 2023 (via Microsoft Teams).  Attendees may join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.  If you have not used the Teams platform previously, it is recommended you allow plenty of time to download the software and log into the meeting.

CLICK HERE for meeting access.

Meeting ID: 376 391 274 265
Passcode: tmggdS

Or call in (audio only)
+1 213-458-8486,,124761069#   United States, Los Angeles
Phone Conference ID: 124 761 069#


Bid Information


A, B

